Managing Hearing Loss

April 25, 2024 / Senior Living Community
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Smiling senior woman with short gray hair and golden-yellow shirt is sitting on a couch with visible hearing aid in her ear.

As we age, it’s common for people to begin experiencing some hearing loss in one or both years. According to John Hopkins, one in three adults over the age of 65 years old has hearing loss. This typically is caused by the aging processes, presbycusis, that can affect the blood flow to the inner ear, nerves, or how the brain processes speech and sounds. 

Hearing loss ranges from mild, moderate, moderately severe, severe, or profound. Furthermore, the World Health Organization defines hearing loss as “greater than 35 decibels in the better hearing ear.” Those experiencing mild hearing loss may struggle to hear soft sounds but will be able to make out speech; while those with profound hearing loss will not hear speech and only very loud sounds. 

Those with untreated hearing loss report a decreased quality of life. Hearing aids are typically the most effective solution, but there’s also other ways to manage hearing loss as we age. 

  1. Tell your friends and family. This simple tip can bring awareness to those around you. You can ask others to look at you when speaking, speak louder or slower, or sit on one side of you if you have one ear with better hearing.  
  2. Choose quiet settings. While it may not always be possible to control the volume, opting for a quieter spot can help ensure you’re able to hear those around you. This can reduce stress of frustration of struggling to hear in a loud environment. 
  3. Turn on closed captioning. If you’re beginning to experience hearing loss, this is a great way to further protect your ears. Turning on the captions of the T.V. and reducing the volume will ensure you catch every word of your favorite program. 

While you can’t reduce hearing loss, these tips and the use of hearing aids can positively impact your quality of life. As well, it’s important to talk to your doctor when you first begin to experience signs of hearing loss. Creating a plan can not only help you feel more in control, but also manage the symptoms.


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